PA Books "The Scots Irish of Early Pennsylvania"[2018] Interview about the book "The Scots Irish of Early Pennsylvania" with author Judith Ridner Location: PCN Philadelphia Bureau https://pcntv.com/pabooks/ | 2025-04-01 - 11:00 PM  |
 PA Books "Youghiogheny"[2023] Interview about the book "Youghiogheny" with author Tim Palmer Location: PCN in Camp Hill https://pcntv.com/pabooks/ | 12:00 AM  |
 The PCN Capitol Preview[Tuesday] Guests: Sen. Judy Ward, R-Transportation Majority Chair; and Sen. Tim Kearney, D-Transportation Member Location: PCN in Camp Hill https://pcntv.com/the-pcn-capitol-preview/ | 01:00 AM  |
 The Unsolved Death of Maria Steinnecke[2025] The unsolved death of Maria Steinnecke with Mark Podvia https://pcntv.com/special-history-culture/ | 02:00 AM  |
 New Deal Archaeology in PA[2025] New Deal Archaeology in PA with Bernard Means https://pcntv.com/special-history-culture/ | 02:30 AM  |
 The Battle of the Crater and the 48th Pennsylvania, July 30, 1864[2025] Anthracite Heritage Foundation program on the Battle of the Crater and the 48th Pennsylvania, July 30, 1864 Location: Hazle Township, PA http://ahfdn.org/ | 03:00 AM  |
 African American Experience: William Chester Ruth, Inventor[2020] Interview about inventor William Chester Ruth with granddaughter Gwen Dickinson https://pcntv.com/aa_experience/ | 04:05 AM  |
 PA Books "The Scots Irish of Early Pennsylvania"[2018] Interview about the book "The Scots Irish of Early Pennsylvania" with author Judith Ridner Location: PCN Philadelphia Bureau https://pcntv.com/pabooks/ | 05:00 AM  |
 PA Books "Youghiogheny"[2023] Interview about the book "Youghiogheny" with author Tim Palmer Location: PCN in Camp Hill https://pcntv.com/pabooks/ | 06:00 AM  |
 PCN Tours Milroy Farms[2021] Tour of Milroy Maple Syrup Farm in Salisbury https://pcntv.com/tours | 07:00 AM  |
 PCN Tours Tait Towers[2010] Tour of Tait Towers in Lititz https://pcntv.com/tours | 07:30 AM  |
 PA Books "American Sirens"[2023] Interview about the book "American Sirens" with author Kevin Hazzard https://pcntv.com/pabooks/ | 08:00 AM  |
 PA Senate Floor Proceedings[LIVE] PA Senate floor proceedings Location: State Capitol https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/SessionCalendars/index.cfm | 11:00 AM  |
 Weather World[Today] Statewide weather report and information produced by Penn State's Weather Communications Group faculty and students Location: Walker Building at Penn State in University Park http://weatherworld.psu.edu/ | 06:45 PM  |
 On the Issues: Public Schools and the PA Budget[2025] Public schools and the PA budget with Aaron Chapin, President at PA State Education Association https://pcntv.com/on-the-issues/ | 07:00 PM  |
 On the Issues: PA Property Taxes[2025] PA property taxes with Rep. Robert Freeman, D-Local Government Majority Chair https://pcntv.com/on-the-issues/ | 07:30 PM  |
 Food Truckin': Flying V[2024] Bethlehem-based Flying V food truck specializes in poutine https://pcntv.com/food-truckin/ | 08:00 PM  |
 Food Truckin': Real Taste 570[2024] Williamsport-based Real Taste 570 food truck specializes in Mexican food https://pcntv.com/food-truckin/ | 08:10 PM  |
 Food Truckin': Mad Dash[2024] Mechanicsburg-based Mad Dash food truck specializes in grilled cheese sandwiches https://pcntv.com/food-truckin/ | 08:20 PM  |
 Food Truckin': 717 Tacos[2024] Harrisburg-based 717 Tacos food truck specializes in tacos https://pcntv.com/food-truckin/ | 08:30 PM  |
 Food Truckin': Revival Chili[2024] Pittsburgh-based Revival Chili food truck specializes in chili https://pcntv.com/food-truckin/ | 08:40 PM  |
 Food Truckin': Rebelz[2024] Mill Creek-based Rebelz food truck in American and European comfort food https://pcntv.com/food-truckin/ | 08:50 PM  |
 It's History! Eldred World War II Museum[2017] Tour of the Eldred World War II Museum https://pcntv.com/itshistory/ | 09:00 PM  |
 It's History! Bill's Old Bike Barn[2014] Tour of Bill's Old Bike Barn in Bloomsburg https://pcntv.com/itshistory/ | 09:21 PM  |
 It's History! Johnstown Flood Museum[2016] Tour of the Johnstown Flood Museum https://pcntv.com/itshistory/ | 09:40 PM  |
 It's History! Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple[2021] Tour of Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple https://pcntv.com/itshistory/ | 10:00 PM  |
 It's History! Pittsburgh Tattoo Art Museum[2022] Tour of the Pittsburgh Tattoo Art Museum https://pcntv.com/itshistory/ | 10:44 PM  |
 PA Books "Hinsonville's Heroes: Black Civil War Soldiers of Chester County, Pennsylvania"[2018] Interview about the book "Hinsonville's Heroes: Black Civil War Soldiers of Chester County, Pennsylvania" with author Cheryl Renee Gooch Location: PCN Philadelphia Bureau https://pcntv.com/pabooks/ | 11:00 PM  |