Located in Crawford County, Blooming Valley is a small rural borough that enjoys a cooperation with surrounding municipalities to obtain everyday services that make living in the borough easier.
Though the borough is small, Blooming Valley boasts more than its share of innovation. A borough resident's father, Amos Densemore, invented the tank railroad car that hauled oil from Titusville. The same man also redesigned the layout of the manual typewriter keyboard. He positioned the popular letters in a manner that made the machine less likely to jam when the keys were being punched by the fingers of a quick typist.
Tangible reminders of Blooming Valley’s past are featured here. See a sign believed to be from the late 1800s that welcomed visitors into the borough that’s now in the possession of a retired council member. Contemplate murals in a borough church that were painted by a traveling missionary. A witness to their creation, a borough resident, recalls being a child and sitting and watching for hours as the scene gradually appeared on the walls of the sanctuary.
Standing next to an historic Black Walnut tree in the borough, a forester from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources explains a program that shows how important trees are, not only to residents’ peace of mind, but to the environment and commerce as well.
Exploring PA Boroughs: Blooming Valley airs December 12th at 7:30 PM on cable and the PCN Select Streaming Service.