The House was in session this week and took on a natural gas severance tax bill was for a third legislative day, a bill prohibiting the state from making payroll deductions for union wages, and a measure restricting legal abortions to 20 weeks with no exceptions for rape or incest. There was an unusual exchange between the chairs of the House State Government Committee that received national attention. One chairman complained publicly about the other chair touching his arm. A new candidate for lieutenant governor has declared her intent to run in 2018, and another received the endorsement of former Gov. Ed Rendell. Finally, court cases on partisan legislative redistricting in federal and state appellate court are being argued in December. Opponents of the current system of drawing districts contend gerrymandering has become extreme with the use of advance computer programs. Our guests are: Katie Meyer, Capitol Bureau Chief with WITF-FM; John Micek, Editorial & Opinions Page Editor with PennLive & The Patriot-News; and Liz Navratil, State Government Reporter with Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Our host is Brian Lockman.