Rafe (Right) and Clelia (Left) Stefanini
Rafe and Clelia Stefanini are both Old Time Musicians, known for their work on the fiddle, banjo, and guitar.
Rafe Stefanini has been at the forefront of the revival of traditional music from the rural south for over thirty years. His work is represented in over 20 CDs, both as a headliner and as a guest. He has been a member of such influential bands as the Wildcats, Big Hoedown, The Rockinghams, and most recently, Jumpsteady Boys (with Bruce Molsky, Joe Newberry and Mike Compton).
Clelia Stefanini has followed in his footsteps. Together they present a varied and exciting program of fiddle duets, banjo tunes, songs and ballads. Their CD's “Never Seen the Like...” and "Lady on the Green" are already considered classics in the genre.