flight 93 memorial

Flight 93 Memorial site

Camp Hill, Pa. -- Twenty years ago, 40 passengers and crew members of American Airlines Flight 93 showed immense bravery to stop a terrorist attack. To honor their courage, PCN is providing special programming during Pennsylvania's Neighborhood: Somerset County, with live coverage of the 20th Anniversary Memorial from Shanksville.

From Sept. 10 to 11, viewers can hear from first responders, elected officials, and community members who were unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight because of terrorist acts. PCN will tour the Flight 93 National Memorial site and take a look at how the region has memorialized that fateful day.

On Sept. 11, PCN will go live at 9:45 a.m. from Shanksville for the Flight 93 20th Anniversary Memorial. Following the memorial, the network will have all-day programming on Flight 93.

Highlights will include:

  • Live coverage of the 20th anniversary memorial
  • Flight 93 Hero Award Ceremony and interview
  • Flight 93 National Park Service ranger tours
  • Interviews with public officials including Gov. Tom Wolf, Sen. Bob Casey, former Gov. Mark Schweiker, and Sen. Jay Costa
  • The Friends of Flight 93 Speaker Series

For more information about PCN's Sept. 11 programming, visit pcntv.com/September-11.

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